SaaS Gross Margin Calculator

Calculate your SaaS Gross Margin below by providing your total revenue and cost of goods sold (COGS).

What is your total revenue?
What is your cost of goods sold?

Your Gross Margin is:


Gross Margin Calculator FAQ

What is Gross Margin?

Gross Margin is the difference between revenue and the cost of goods sold (COGS), expressed as a percentage of revenue. It indicates the percentage of revenue that exceeds the COGS.

How do I calculate Gross Margin?

Gross Margin is calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from total revenue and then dividing by total revenue. The formula is: Gross Margin = (Revenue - COGS) / Revenue * 100

Why is Gross Margin important?

Gross Margin is important because it shows the profitability of a company's core business activities. A higher gross margin indicates that a company is retaining more revenue per dollar of sales, which can be used to cover other expenses and profit.

What are some strategies for improving Gross Margin?

Some strategies for improving gross margin include reducing COGS through cost efficiencies, increasing revenue through pricing strategies, and improving sales volume. SaaS companies can also focus on high-margin products and services.